
Always First Choice Plastic in Packaging

Always First Choice Plastic in Packaging

Always First Choice Plastic in Packaging

The world packaging industry is a very large and large industry branch, and the plastic packaging industry has an important place in the economies of countries. In parallel with the rapid development of the plastic industry, plastic packaging has become a fundamental part of our daily lives. The key to this success is the ability of plastics to best conserve valuable resources and the cost savings as a result of their low weight.
The size of the packaging industry in Turkey, which includes production from plastic, paper-cardboard, metal, glass and wood materials, is 16 billion dollars. Within the packaging industry, plastic packaging is the leader with a share of 37 percent. The share of packaging in the plastics industry is 40 percent.
The increase in employment in companies operating in the packaging sector every year also shows the growth in the sector. Turkish plastic packaging industry has a young and dynamic appearance with its structure open to change and development.